Entries by Kristin Sample

March Match is Here!

The Washtenaw Alano Club is a non-profit, self-funded organization. We generate the funds to pay the staff, pay our taxes, pay for the utilities for the building, pay for supplies, pay for repairs, pay for improvements, pay for events and pay for everything that is needed to operate through: meeting rent, profit from concession stands, contributions, and fundraisers.

Every year in March since 2018, the Club has had a very special event to help raise funds for our organization – namely our “March Match Fundraiser”. We are excited to support the club again during the upcoming month with our annual fundraiser.

Every day, your club provides a safe, welcoming space where dozens of people come together for meetings, fellowship, and support. With so much daily activity, the facility naturally experiences wear and tear. While our dedicated staff works hard to keep everything clean and inviting, the signs of frequent use are starting to show.

That’s why this year, we’re focusing the majority of funds raised through March Match on a much-needed interior refresh. Your support will help ensure the club remains a warm, comfortable space for everyone who walks through its doors.
Examples of RISE & SHINE! projects under consideration:

1. Replace battered furniture in Recovery Room
2. Replace timeworn ceiling fans
3. Replace broken ceiling tiles
4. Replace threadbare flooring
5. Repaint run-down interior walls

Generous donors have already pledged to match donations during the month of March! Every dollar that you contribute to the Club will get matched with another dollar. Double your impact simply by donating. This year, our goal is to raise $42,000. For the past several years our club has been extremely fortunate in meeting our goals.

If you would like to continue the yearly tradition by participating in this year’s March Match, any size contribution would be greatly appreciated! Donations can be made on our website, by mail via check, or in-person at the Club.

Thank you for caring about the Washtenaw Alano Club.

WAC Newsletter – July 2021


As you all know, things at the Club have been very different since the pandemic hit.

First, we had to make the difficult but necessary decision to close the Club in accordance with CDC recommendations and State mandates from March 14th to June 15th, 2020. During that time, many meetings went online, and the people of the Club had to stay connected primarily virtually. It was truly amazing to see what our community would do to keep each other afloat.

After a long three-month closure, we were able to reopen our doors to in-person meetings on a limited basis. Capacity restrictions, mask requirements, and social distancing measures were implemented as recommended by state and public health officials. Hours were temporarily reduced until the Club was back to full staff and had a better idea of how operations would look during a pandemic.

Fast forward to June 2021, as vaccines become widely available and community spread continues to decrease, statewide COVID-related restrictions are being lifted. As such, restrictions at the WAC are being lifted as well…

WAC Newsletter – July 2021

WAC Newsletter – February 2020

“I came to the Alano Club for the second time in March of 2016. My success in “sticking with it” had a great deal to do with getting a sponsor right away and slowly but surely working the steps. Just as important, and for me possibly even more so, was getting involved through service work…

WAC Newsletter – November 2019

As much as we can’t believe it, the 2019 Holiday Season has arrived. Before you know it, every store from here to Texas will be playing the same Christmas music playlist on repeat ad nauseam. And don’t even get me started on the Hallmark Christmas movies!

Some don’t care for the holiday season because it can be difficult on many levels. Family relationships are tough; some have no family; some are working on their first sober holiday season; and so on.

Others love the festivities and look forward to the time with friends and family.

Most of us fall somewhere in between.

The good news is, no matter what category you fall in there’s always a safe place to fall back on. The Club offers a warm and inviting place for recovering friends to gather and enjoy the holidays no matter what your circumstances are.
If this is your first sober holiday season, or if you struggle through the holidays in general, I’d like to lend a few reasons why staying sober through the holidays might be a good idea. . .

WAC Newsletter – September 2019

Congratulations! If you’re reading this you’re either bored, dying for the long-winded guy at your table to clam up, or you care about news at the Club more than your average Joe. Either way, you’re in the right place!

There are some issues that crop up from time to time that I want to remind all of our valued patrons . . .

WAC Newsletter – July 2019

Our Club was founded 50 years ago, when a small group of people in recovery decided this area needed an Alano Club and began the process of creating what we have today.

After several years of work establishing ourselves as a nonprofit business, we finally found our first home on Fourth Avenue in 1975. . .

WAC Newsletter – May 2019

Newest Board Member: Jeff Cox

I have been an active member of the Club since I got sober in 2012. The Club is a very important part of my recovery. It is where I attend all of my meetings, see my friends, and get to be of service.
I have enjoyed doing service work at the Club since I became a member. I have helped with painting, grounds clean-up, and social events. Most recently, I was elected to serve on the Board of Directors. I very much look forward to being of service to the Club in a way that is new to me.
The Club has been a second home to me for several years and I hope to always be a contributing member of the Club.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service!

WAC Newsletter – March 2019

I was driving around in my car. I had been drinking for 3 solid days and was sure I was going to be fired from my job for no call/no show. I wanted to go to the bar, but I knew that the chances of blacking out again were very high and in that divinely-inspired moment of clarity I knew that I had no control over what would happen to me if I picked up another drink. It was 1981. . .

WAC Newsletter – January 2019

First, we want to give a special shout out to a couple members of our Club who have gone out of their way to assist the Club on a few needed projects.

Joe D. continues to volunteer at the Club on a regular basis. Most recently, he put in a ton of work helping with our Christmas Tree Fundraiser by getting the sale area set up and organizing help for the duration of the fundraiser. With his help, we sold out of trees for the second year in a row!

Andy B. was kind enough to lend us his time and skills to build and install a hand rail for our new patio. It looks wonderful and makes our patio steps safer for our patrons. Andy is a great example of an involved member. We are lucky to have so many skilled members willing to help the Club!

Thank you, Joe and Andy  for your continued dedication to the WAC!

Read more to see the rest of our newsletter and upcoming events!

WAC Newsletter – October 2018

My first AA meeting was at the Washtenaw Alano Club.  For the first year of my sobriety, I didn’t go anywhere except the Alano Club for my meetings.  I don’t even recall when I got adventurous enough to check out meetings away from the Club – it may have been another year before I felt that confident.  The Alano Club was within my comfort zone.  Nothing else was. . .